Herald Youth Foundation Launches First Outreach in Abadina Grammar School
Herald Youth Foundation Launches First Outreach in Abadina Grammar School H erald Yo…
FOCUS ON THE PATH; IGNORE THE OBSTACLES. Sometimes ago, I was on Facebook and I saw a video from a speech given by a speaker (motivational speaker) at an eve…
Read moreArmor of Positivity Grandma was out to make my life terrible as usual, just like every other day. Nothing I ever do seems to satisfy my grandmother, who w…
Read moreLive, don't just Breathe Join our update group for faster updates According to Biologists, all organisms are classified broadly into two catego…
Read moreGET UP, DON'T LET NOBODY STOP YOU! That day, I vowed never to do anything in the church anymore. I vowed to not even attend the church again. I…
Read moreWHY YOU SHOULD MOST DEFINITELY GIVE UP HOPE. I have seen many people come to me to give them advice on how to not give up, and I find it funny that…
Read moreADAPTING TO NATURE'S EFFECT Biologically speaking, adaptation is one of the unique features of a living thing. Take note, 'a living thing…
Read moreSUCCESS IS ACCOMPANIED BY CLARITY Happy new month cheers to making it to the 8th month of the year. I know it wasn't easy but we are glad you made it and …
Read moreHappy new month. Enjoy the bliss of July. We love you all and here is another vitamin for the week....... It takes a lot of hard work to attain tha…
Read moreWHAT DO YOU WANT TO DO WITH YOUR LIFE? This is the same question most people ask themselves. It is a question that is posed to every young adult, e…
Read moreSEETH THOU A MAN DILIGENT IN HIS WORKS? Skinnies Blog Update group Skinnies Blog Update group Diligence, according to the English dictionary is a &…
Read moreBE OF GOOD CHEERS, I HAVE CONQUERED THE WORLD FOR YOU Skinnies Blog Update group Skinnies Blog Update group Apologies to those who migh…
Read moreBEFORE THE BATTLE OF THE FIST, COMES THE BATTLE OF THE MIND Skinnies Blog Update group A high morale is needed for soldiers going to war. They ne…
Read moreI invested in an internet enterprise which, unknown to me, turned into a Ponzi scheme. I had invested a lot of my time, cash, and trust into the bu…
Read moreHerald Youth Foundation Launches First Outreach in Abadina Grammar School H erald Yo…
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