


Hair loss, also known as alopecia, can be of immense concern to both men and women. Even if you burn money on the most expensive hair care products, you may still not get the expected result.

Over the years, researches have been done to know the causes of hair loss as humans at one stage or the other suffer hair loss and from findings, some factors that result to hair loss includes,1. Genetics
2. Age
3. Overall health
4. Environmental vulnerability
5. Medications
6. Diet
7. Hair products

Factors like genetics and age can't be changed, but diet is a factor that we possess more control to change.

According to studies, deficiencies in vitamin B12 and D, biotin, iron, riboflavin and other nutrients are related to hair loss. Eating meals that are deficient in these nutrients can result in hair loss resulting from nutrition deficiency.

7 foods to avoid when suffering hair loss and why.

1. Sugar
2. Swordfish
3. Alcohol
4. Refined carbs
5. Carbonated drinks
6. Greasy food
7. Diary

Now, let's dive into the first six; SUGAR

Why sugar? Almost everything we eat has sugar as. Still, consuming too many leads to poor blood circulation, making it difficult for blood and nutrients to get up to the hair follicles, thereby causing damage to the hair follicles and increasing the risk of severe hair loss.

A lot of sugar intake is also likely to raise testosterone in your blood, which is a significant cause of hair loss.


Swordfish, being seafood, is undoubtedly the source of protein and one of the richest fishes in mercury. Mercury is also considered one of the primary reasons for hair loss.

Okay, let's look at it this way, zinc is generally needed to promote hair growth, and mercury plays a role as a rival to zinc which leads to a zinc deficiency, thereby aiding hair loss. So, the secret is to avoid high-mercury fish like swordfish and eat plenty of fish with omega-3 fatty acids, which help reduce inflammation and encourage hair growth.

Healthier choices for your tresses are salmon, canned light tuna, and halibut—these are also rich in magnesium.


Beer, wine (red or white), and spirits can interfere with how your body metabolizes zinc, a crucial mineral for hair health.

Binge intake of alcohol could often emanate drastic results, which affect hair follicles and cause the fall of hairs from the scalp. Alcohol is not hair-friendly as it tends to dehydrate the hair. A lack of moisture in the follicles and scalp can make your hair flaky. Alcohol also depreciates the level of zinc in the body. While a few bottles of red wine may be good for your heart, not so much for your hair. The trick is to limit alcohol only for social calls. REFINED CARBS.

White bread, pizzas, pasta, white rice, snacks, and other junk foods are examples of refined carbs. The contents of refined carbs are mostly sugar and processed grains. Consuming refined carbs will lead to spikes in simple sugar in the body. Sugar also produces more androgens, known as male hormones, and excess quantities of these hormones in the body can cause hair thinning and balding. CARBONATED DRINKS.

When taken, carbonated drinks communicate with the insulin in the body, making it insensitive to sugar. This leads to a rise in the sugar in the bloodstream, which later clogs the blood circulation and decreases the level of nutrient supply to the hair follicles. The process leads to considerable hair loss. Insulin helps regulate blood sugar levels. It enables the blood sugar to enter the body cell to be used for energy. Carbonated drinks mar your insulin balance.


Avoid greasy foods that are high in saturated fats and hydrogenated oils. They can clog your pores, increasing the rate at which you lose hair. Avoid anything made with trans fats, such as hard margarine, baked foods, or crackers. Use an air fryer to make your favorite fried foods without so much oil.

To be continued

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